Debate in the House of Commons

The aim of our adjournment debate in the House of Commons, Westminster, was to clearly and factually, vocalise the injustices in our industry and have that on parliamentary record forever. Our MP, and other supporting MPs, spoke incredibly well for us all with the knowledge and facts we have supplied them. The ultimate aim of the day was to secure a direct meeting with DEFRA, on record, with either ourselves or our leading MP. This is what we got. And so it begins… We put our own family and business on hold, with a mega tight deadline and a lot of preparation behind this screen you are reading. Basically WE got our industry heard and addressed in the House of Commons as a formal adjournment. The highest place anyone can take our industry issues; we are bursting with pride that in such a short time we have actually achieved this. To summarise; the UK ALLIANCE OF CATTERIES AND KENNELS / SAVE OUR INDUSTRY has achieved more for our industry in 9 months than anyone else. Fact. We have and are saving businesses and working towards protecting their and all our livelihoods now and in the future. We are looking forward to the next 9 months!!! And have a clear plan spanning 2 years, 5 years and 10 years. We will get this right for our industry and we will support our members on the way whilst they benefit from our alliance. Thank you all for your ongoing support, click the link to support us; join us for more ongoing information and to be a part of your future. Every membership counts to protecting and enriching our industry; your livelihood.

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